celebrates its 30th anniversary this year!

«Artois Culture Nature» est une association créée en août 1994 (appelée “Anzin Culture Nature” jusqu’en 2013), née de l’envie de quelques personnes visionnaires et engagées d’Anzin-Saint-Aubin qui souhaitaient animer et réunir autour d’un projet collectif toutes les catégories sociales de «7 à 77 ans».

After two years of preparation, a first sound and light show written by the director Dominique Martens was born in 1997: "Au fil du temps, une Chaussée Brunehaut", which in 2002 became "Histoires et Rêves d'Artois". The show then expanded, grew a lot and reached a semi-professional level. It took place in 2009 in the Immercourt park in Saint-Laurent-Blangy. In 2018, a new show called "Eclats d'histoire – Fééries Nocturnes" was born. It's a great folly... The history of the North of France in all its states, history in fragments: grandios

In 2023, a new show on the theme of VAUBAN transports us to the seventeenth century at the Citadel of Arras (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and makes us discover the fabulous story of Sébastien Le Prestre, Marquis de Vauban. He will perform again in August 2024. The village, historical activities on the Place d'Armes and exhibitions will be free to access. 

Directed by Mickaël Boulé, enriched scenes will transport you from the siege of Arras by the Spanish to the construction of the Citadel, in the company of colorful characters. Dances, fights, horses, flamboyant costumes, a gleaming carriage will take you on a timeless interlude. A historical show that is intended to be a hymn to human life and peace.

Throughout the year, the volunteers of Artois Culture Nature use all their skills and know-how to take up the craziest challenges such as the creation of thousands of costumes, grandiose sets, accessories that are more real than life for some, while others think about new special effects or train their horses...

Fort de notre renommée qui s’appuie sur 30 années d’expérience et l’accueil de plus de 170.000 spectateurs à ses représentations, l’association porte haut les valeurs de partage social et générationnel, de transmission de compétences, de mixité sociale et d’ouverture à l’autre.

Alors, conquis pour nous rejoindre ? C’est par ici !  Click to register

Une aventure humaine extraordinaire grâce à l’indispensable soutien de nos partenaires et mécènes

Rejoignez la vingtaine de partenaires et mécènes, sans qui le spectacle ne pourrait avoir lieu ! MERCI !

5121, rue Matthieu Orfila – ZI Est – BP 6006

62000 ARRAS


ans d’expérience

+ 170 000

Seduced spectators

2 000

ans d’éclats d’histoire

+ 370


30 ans d’histoire retracés dans ces 30 pages. Découvrez-en un extrait.
En vente 5 € à l’accueil d’ACN

ACN, membre de la FFFSH

Depuis 2000

An association created in 1986, governed by the law of 1901, the FFFSH (French Federation of Historical Festivals and Shows) aims to bring together in the same spirit of friendship and efficiency, all French structures, associations or municipalities, organizers or providers of festivals or historical shows.

All of them aim to animate, enhance and promote the historical, architectural and human heritage.

Equipped with a high-performance internet portal for the general public, the FFFSH thus greatly promotes the promotion of member festivals and historical shows, both in France and abroad thanks to effective referencing.

It was in the year 2000 that the Artois Culture Nature association, through "Histoires et Rêves d'Artois", joined the FFFSH. As soon as it joined, ACN was represented on the FFFSH Board of Directors.

Since 2002, the FFFSH has offered its members an innovative quality approach in order to meet the legitimate requirements of the public.

Depuis cette date, l’association Artois Culture Nature répond chaque année à l’ensemble des critères d’attribution exigeants et bénéficie ainsi du Label Qualité.